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Why Own a Gun Safe

We know practically everyone who owns a gun thinks of them as responsible. However, if you do not have your firearms securely locked away in a secure gun safe, we wouldn’t consider that very responsible. Having a gun registered is just the beginning of proving yourself a responsible gun owner. Thankfully, there are some people who can see the value of owning a gun safe.

Perhaps after reading this article, you will be one of them. Unfortunately, not everyone takes this seriously and that is why some tragedy often occurs. If you own a gun and do not currently own a gun safe, there must be a reason why you don’t feel this is absolutely necessary. At Druid Hills Locksmith in North Druid Hills, GA, we can tell you for a certainty that it is absolutely necessary to keep guns safely locked away. Perhaps these reasons will convince you of the need to have a gun safe.


This is the main reason for keeping your firearm (gun) locked up. If you don’t want anyone harmed by your gun then it is necessary that you take the necessary precaution to ensure that it doesn’t occur. Always consider the probability that someone could discover your gun and something tragic could occur. If you have children and you own a gun, having a gun safe is sure to give you peace-of-mind in knowing that they will not get a hold of it. Unfortunately, keeping your gun in a cabinet doesn’t offer enough security. If someone can visually see the gun, they might feel compelled to take it. Keeping your gun in a secure safe is the best way to avoid someone taking it and using it. This could spell tragedy for both you and the person who uses your gun.

Helps Protect Your Rights

Those who are opposed to guns will often argue how dangerous they are to society as a whole. They feel that they are a threat to the safety of everyone and that not everyone should be allowed to own them, including the people who abide by the gun laws. Whenever an incident occurs involving a gun, they are able to prove their claim. This is especially true if a gun is used and a child is harmed. This type of incident grabs the attention of these activists and rouses them up again. In order to protect your 2nd Amendment rights, you have to act responsibly by making sure your gun is stored in a secure safe so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Keeps Out of Hands of Burglars 

Suppose a burglar is able to gain access into your home. What could occur is that they could find your gun and use it later. Perhaps they rob a bank or hold up a liquor store and shoot someone. If the gun is discovered and that gun is registered to you, guess whom the authorities are coming after? You guessed it, you! Why would anyone take such a chance when they do not have to? Keep your guns out of the hands of an intruder by storing it in a gun safe.

Types of Gun Safes

Here are some of the various types of gun safes that you will be able to choose from.

Wheel & Pin Combo Safe – This type of lock has wheels when accurately turned will allow access. They are resistant to natural disasters, such as fire, to keep them safe from damages. 

Biometric Gun Safe – This is one of the most secure types of safes on the market. In order for the lock to disengage, a scanner needs to be able to identify the owner’s fingerprints. Since no two people have the same fingerprint, it is impossible for anyone other than the owner to unlock the safe.

Hidden Gun Safe – If you want to keep your safe out of sight then a hidden safe is most appropriate. Without knowing that a gun is even present it protects you from having yours stolen even if an intruder should get inside. It can be placed under floorboards or behind a mirror. 

Vehicle Gun Safe – Some husbands purchase this type of gun safe for their wife or daughters in the event that thief approaches them. It encloses your gun in hidden steel safe. A gun safe can even be installed in the trunk of a vehicle. However, if you want to keep the gun close by, you’ll want a portable gun safe that you can store anywhere in the vehicle.

Nightstand Gun Safe – This is the one place that most thieves that are specifically looking for guns will look. That is why you’ll need the most durable type of nightstand gun safe possible. The nightstand safe can fit in almost any drawer, which means that you’ll be able to quickly access it if needed. If you fail to select the right type of gun safe, you could be putting the safety and security of your loved ones in jeopardy.  

Under-the-Bed Gun Safe – Another good way to reach your gun when necessary is to keep it in an under-the-bed safe. It is placed in a sliding drawer that gives the gun owner easy access to it when needed. You’ll be able to choose from various sizes and weights to make it easier for you to handle. 

This isn’t a subject that most people feel comfortable discussing but, unfortunately, it is necessary. If you want to make sure you’re acting like a responsible gun owner then do yourself a favor by making sure you have a gun safe that suits your needs. One of our locksmiths at Druid Hills Locksmith can help you in your selection process. This is something that can be overwhelming to many people. So much so that they will simply give up on even trying to find one that will suit their needs. We’ll take our time to make sure we know exactly what you need so that you’ll find a safe that is best suited to your needs.

Druid Hills Locksmith

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